We have grouped links to resources, including guides, webinars, videos, and reports, to help you quickly and easily find relevant content that offers value and is genuinely helpful. Use the links in the green bar above to jump between sections. We will keep adding new content and updating the existing content, so please bookmark or add this page to your favourites.
How can we use data to improve decision-making?
A guide to strategic, operational, and analytical decision-making in business.
This guide to data-driven decision-making comes with insights from professionals in the software, emergency services, charity, and marketing spaces. Attendees looked at the role of informed decision-making and how to improve it with data.
Our guide offers actionable tips for all stakeholders to identify the kinds of decisions they’re making, discover added value in their data, and use models to drive business change.
How can we master the art of content with effective analytical insight?
A guide for those responsible for making strategic, operational and analytical decisions in business.
This guide to mastering the art of content comes with insights from professionals in the business, retail, construction and research sectors.
This resource offers actionable tips for stakeholders to identify and explore the depth of analysis that supports the creation of remarkable content and how to transform analytical insights into practical, measurable improvements.
Who can afford for digital change to fail?
A guide for those who are responsible for influencing, delivering, or informing successful digital change.
This guide has been created with insight from contributors who attended the first in a series of roundtables at our Headquarters in Leeds. This first roundtable explored how insight strategy can de-risk the constant change faced in many organisations today and how it can be used to create an advantage.
This resource will explore the strategies and tactics that will ensure change starts in the right way and delivers the right engagement through a robust understanding of user and stakeholder needs.
What is low-code?
Our guide answers 'What is low-code?' and introduces the top 5 benefits that low-code rapid application development can have for your organisation.
Low-code development is ideal for organisations looking to embrace transformation and become more agile.
Why low-code is ideal for business process management
Developing your business management processes with a low-code solution enables your business to grow, thrive, and digitally transform within tight timeframes.
Our guide covers why low-code is ideal for BPM (business process management) platforms and the benefits it can have for your organisation.
Clever ways to unlock more value in your data
This webinar recording explores the power of quality data and how it can add value to decision-making throughout your organisation.
CDS' Director of Data, Geoff Barraclough, provides expert insights into:
- How to make data-driven decisions and capture the insights from those decisions.
- The importance of enterprise data architecture and its implications for system design.
Future-proofing your digital transformation with CDS + Umbraco: A speed-to-value-based approach
In this webinar recording, subject-matter experts from Umbraco and CDS cover:
- How Umbraco Cloud can simplify cloud computing and provide scalable solutions while keeping costs in check.
- Why Umbraco is one of the best Open Source choices for working with commercial software.
- How Umbraco's UK Data Centre has resolved regulatory concerns.
Watch now to explore how Umbraco and implementation partner CDS can help future-proof and align your technology roadmap with your digital transformation goals.
Managing local authority programmes like a Clean Air Zone
The implementation of a Clean Air Zone presents new challenges to local authorities. Effectively outsourcing business elements, including behavioural research or transactional print, can cut costs, reduce risk, and improve team effectiveness.
We spoke to Stephen Arnold, Head of Clean Air Zone at Birmingham City Council. Stephen discusses the introduction of the scheme, the challenges that they faced, and the advice that he would give to other local authorities planning the implementation of a Clean Air Zone.
How low-code technology is being used to deliver remarkable digital transformation
Learn how healthcare professionals use Appian low-code and wearable technology to deliver groundbreaking digital transformation in the healthcare sector.
The videos offer advice on what low-code is, the costs associated with it, its scalability, and effectively implementing low-code into your digital transformation.
Communicating with vulnerable people
An inclusive communications guide for the emergency services.
This guide outlines what we have found during our first-hand experience of the challenges faced by communications teams, why it matters to the emergency services, and how best to define, develop, and deploy an inclusive communications strategy.
Financial services for everyone
We believe the future of the finance industry lies in inclusion. By adopting an inclusive approach, financial institutions have the opportunity to improve the financial landscape and make a real impact on people’s lives.
This report seeks to take that research further and examine where the opportunities lie for those in the finance industry to positively affect the people they serve.